Burning Ones are teenagers who are all in for Jesus. We are the ones fighting for Jesus to be known in our communities. We are called to be a fire on a hill, lighting up the darkness of this world with the light of Jesus and the Good News He brings. If you’re ready to lock eyes with Jesus and follow Him wherever He leads, then you, my friend, are a Burning One.
Burning Ones runs a monthly prayer gathering in Auckland. This is for those who have a heart for the youth in New Zealand. If you want to see Jesus move in our schools and youth communities then come pray with us!
We are currently building our online community, with big plans in the works for face to face community. Stay tuned!
From the place of wholeheartedly loving God we aim to see youth sharing that same love with others. Burning Ones has a heart to see young people reaching out to those around them with the love, message and power of Jesus. We are currently working on plans to see youth launched out to make an eternal impact.
The story of Burning Ones.
Est. April 2021 in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa, Burning Ones is the official youth branch of Catalyst Movement.
The name Burning Ones came out of a wild encounter with Jesus in 2017 and an assignment to “find the youth who burn for Jesus”. In the early months of 2018 in the heart of Germany, two kiwis were introduced to each other and the first conversation about God bringing revival to NZ through the youth was had.
In 2019, Catalyst Movement was launched by one of the kiwis. This movement rapidly built momentum within young adults across New Zealand but the desire and faith to see youth impacted remained. Finally, in 2021 God released the second kiwi into full time ministry and Burning Ones was officially born!
We believe that by finding and training the Burning Ones we will see revival in this generation!